On the 50th anniversary of the WHO’s first report on Sexual Health, to organize and implement an international, inclusive Congress to advance sexual health through its programs and activities, with particular focus on sexually transmitted infections
Advancing Comprehension and Raising Awareness: Increase comprehension, awareness and understanding of current challenges, trends, and innovations in the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of STIs, HIV and other blood-borne infections.
Promoting Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate an inclusive environment to share knowledge, new research findings, and best practices among STI/HCV/HIV specialists, family physicians, gynecologists, urologists, infectious disease specialists, virologists, molecular biologists, nurses, behavioral researchers, technicians, pharmacists, engineers in artificial intelligence, policymakers, trainees and others.
Nurturing Collaboration and Networking: Foster collaboration and networking opportunities among diverse stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and community organizations, to enhance the collective awareness and responses to STIs and HIV.
Integrating Community Engagement: Promote community engagement and involvement to ensure that the perspectives and needs of affected communities are integrated into research, prevention, and treatment strategies.
Encouraging a Multidisciplinary Approach: Encourage multidisciplinary interactions and discussions by bringing together experts from various fields, including medicine, public health, social sciences, and advocacy, to address the complex challenges posed by STIs and HIV.
Offering Support: Source scholarship support from sector partners and organizations to provide opportunities for participants to attend who are not able to source alternative funding or are facing financial hardship, to promote engagement from colleagues and trainees in low- and middle-income countries.