Share Cutting-Edge Knowledge: Provide a platform for researchers from all sectors, to discuss the latest findings and innovations in the field of STIs and HIV, Disseminate the meeting information obtained through various venues and strategies.
Facilitate Advocacy and Improved Policies: Facilitate discussions on evidence-based policies and strategies to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of STIs and HIV at local, national, and global levels.
Enhance Knowledge: Enhance the knowledge and skills of scientists, clinicians, healthcare professionals and community workers through workshops, training sessions, and educational programs focused on STIs and HIV.
Build leadership through invited presentations, abstract reviews, organizing committees, chairing sessions and opportunities for discussion and engagement.
Engage community workers and professionals in a knowledge sharing process so as to catalyze the process of knowledge transfer within the communities
Encourage Early Career Participants: specifically encourage new and early career clinicians, researchers, scientists, allied health professionals, educators, and community workers particularly from LMICs, to attend and participate in the meeting and to create specific opportunities for these attendees to network and learn.
Promote Inclusivity: Ensure the inclusion of diverse perspectives, populations, and experiences in discussions and decision-making processes to address disparities in STI and HIV outcomes.
Increase Youth Engagement: Create avenues for youth participation and engagement to address the unique challenges faced by young people related to STIs and HIV.
Promote Global Collaboration: Encourage international collaboration and information exchange to address the global nature of STIs and HIV, considering regional variations and challenges.
Reduce Stigma: Develop and share proven strategies that help reduce stigma and discrimination associated with STIs and HIV, fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue and destigmatizes testing and treatment and improves access to care, and prevention
Raise Funds for and Provide Scholarships: Raise funds to provide scholarship opportunities, especially for participants from low- and middle-income economies and, for those who might otherwise not be able to present their work due to financial constraints.