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International Advisory Committee
- Main Committee to oversee the planning and organization of the Congress
- High level overview of Congress logistics and scientific program development ensuring that faculty selection follows established diversity criteria
- Serve as ambassadors to help with marketing efforts
- Final decision rights on any Congress related items including but not limited to: Registration fees, sponsorship & exhibit fees, budget and other financial decisions, marketing & promotion, onsite materials
Scientific Program Committee
- Track Chairs are part of the Scientific Committee of the Congress and lead the track in its deliberations and communications with the Scientific Committee. Attend virtual scientific committee meetings.
- Select and invite scientific track members. Ideally, each track will have 5 members: 2-3 should represent diverse geographic areas of Africa, and one should be an early career researcher.
- Propose, with track members, keynote speakers, symposia (with speakers), debating topics and speakers.
- Review abstracts with their track and select abstracts for oral and poster sessions.
- Propose Chairs for oral/poster/symposia sessions.
Sponsorship & Fundraising Committee
- Advise, review, and assist in the implementation of fundraising plan for the Congress, including revenue sponsorship goals and fundraising assistance for activities in support of the organization. One of the major fundraising activities will be funding for scholarships for those attending the Congress. The Fundraising Committee will liaise with the Scholarship Committee through its chairperson.
- Provide reports to the International Organizing Committee regarding funds raised and organizations and companies contacted.
- Participate in the cultivation and solicitation of donations from prospects.
- Assist in the identification of others with fundraising skills and experience.
- Help identify and ultimately approach prospective donors.
- Providing insight into ways that other activities (i.e. communications, special events) may support the Congress’ fundraising activities.
- Provide a final report after completion of the Congress to the International Organizing Committee
Trainee & Early Career Researcher Committee
With help from the Congress Co-Presidents, the Trainee & Early Career Investigator Committee Chair is required to:
- Identify 5-8 committee members with equal representation with respect to topics of interest, geography and gender
- Names and short bios will be gathered by the Congress secretariat for a meeting with the Scientific Co-Chairs and the two Presidents for approval.
- Committee members must be early-career researchers (i.e. trainees or accomplished Msc or PhD of less than 5 years).
- The committee should also have 2-3 trainees at the appropriate levels – PDF, graduate student, other.
- Develop a list of Trainee & Early Career networking activities and send them to Congress Presidents and Scientific Co-Chairs for approval.
- Develop a Trainee & Early Career session (potentially 1-4 breakfast sessions or a full day pre-Congress.
- Participate in the monthly International Advisory Committee meeting to provide feedback and updates on Trainee & Early Career activities.
- Provide a final report after the completion of the Congress to the Advisory Committee.
Community Outreach Committee
- Outreach and Networking: In conjunction with the Promotion and Fundraising Committee, identifying and reaching out to relevant community organizations, advocacy groups, and stakeholders to promote the Congress and encourage participation.
- Feedback Collection: Gathering and integrating feedback from community members and stakeholders to ensure their concerns and suggestions are considered in the present and future Congress planning process.
- Collect attendee demographics: Working with Congress organizers to collect demographic and self-identification data of participants.
- Program Development: Assisting in developing the Congress sessions, workshops, and networking activities that address community needs and interests, suggesting speakers to the Scientific Co-Chairs and the Congress Co-Presidents.
- Community Engagement: Encourage community groups to develop workshops and other group sessions and participate actively in various networking opportunities provided at the conference. Community groups will also be encouraged to have a booth or tabletop in the exhibit hall and participate in the Super Braindate group presentations at the conference.
- Sponsorship: Promote fundraising to ensure the participation of community representatives in the Congress.
- Evaluation and Reporting: Assessing the effectiveness of community engagement efforts and providing recommendations for improvement and for future Congress meetings. Reporting on engagement activities and outcomes to the Congress organizing committee.
Communication & Promotion Committee
- Promote the STI & HIV 2025 World Congress on social media and other media.
- Attend, as a Member, the International Advisory Committee, and provide relevant guidance on communication strategies for the Congress.
- Reach the Congress target audiences to tailor promotional efforts.
- Share relevant content for promotional activities, such as interesting articles, discussions or publications) relevant for the Congress.
- Identify key speakers and sessions to be promoted in the media.
- Collaborate with delegates and speakers to leverage their networks for promotion.
- Communicate with related associations, groups or organizations, asking them to promote the Congress.
- Solicit complimentary online advertisements from various journals and other sources.