
Submission for the Late Breaking Abstracts is now OPEN
On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the STI & HIV 2025 World Congress, we would like to thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract.
Click to expand and explore further details about abstract submission.
Important Abstract and Scholarship Deadlines
- Abstract Submission Opening: October 1, 2024
- Abstract Submission Deadline: January 13, 2025 (23:59 EST)
- Scholarship Application Opening: October 1, 2024
- Scholarship Application Deadline: January 13, 2025 (23:59 EST)
- Abstract Notifications: February, 18 2025
- Abstract Scholarship Notifications: February 24, 2025
- Late Breaking Abstract Notifications: April 1, 2025
- Presenting Author Confirmation and Registration Deadline: April 4, 2025 (23:59 EDT)
- Late Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline: May 5, 2025 (23:59 EDT)
- Late Breaking Abstract Submission Notification: May 15, 2025
- Late Breaking Abstract Author Confirmation: May 31, 2025
Abstract Structure
- Comprehensive title summarizing the work presented
- Maximum 125 characters
- Basic and Laboratory Sciences
- Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Clinical Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Policy & Community Engagement
- Program & Implementation Sciences
- Full name and affiliation(s) are mandatory for each author.
- Indicate the name of the presenting author for the abstract.
- Maximum 300 words (authors, title, and legend for display item not included).
- Abstract must be structured in one of the following two formats:
- Scientific Research Format
- Background: study objectives, hypothesis tested, or description of the problem.
- Methods: methods used or approach taken.
- Results: present in summarized form, must include data and/or substantial information about results.
- Conclusion: description of main outcomes of the study. Include knowledge or insight that Congress attendees will gain from the presentation, and/or how attendees can apply the skills and/or knowledge within their communities.
- Programme and Implementation Evaluation Format
- Background: description of problem and context.
- Description: methods used, intervention implemented, or approach taken.
- Findings: present quantitative and/or qualitative data in summarized and structured form.
- Conclusion: describe implications of findings and lessons learned.
- Scientific Research Format
General Guidelines
- Abstracts should contain new information, original data and not have been presented before.
- All abstracts must be submitted in ENGLISH.
- Specify all abbreviations in full when they are first mentioned, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use the abbreviation thereafter.
- Check your abstract thoroughly for spelling and grammar.
- Do not include references.
- Maximum 300 words (authors and title not included)
- One display item (table or figure) may be included and does not contribute to word count.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- All submissions must be made online by January 6, 2025 (23:59 EST).
- If an abstract is accepted for presentation, the presenting author must attend the Congress to present the abstract. The presenting author will be required to register for the Congress by April 4th, 2025 to have the abstract acceptance confirmed. If a presenting author is not registered by April 4th, 2025, the Scientific Committee will remove the abstract from the program.
- All abstracts will be reviewed, scored and accepted or rejected by the Scientific Committee. The Committee reserves the right to determine whether an abstract submission is accepted as an oral presentation or poster. The decision of the Committee is final.
- Please indicate at the time of abstract submission if you wish to apply for a scholarship. Please see the scholarship information page for further details.
- When an abstract has been selected for oral or poster presentation, presenters who are not scholarship recipients will be required to fund, in full, their own attendance at the Congress (including Congress registration and travel expenses) and should not accept to present an abstract if this is not possible.
Disclosure of Interest
ISSTDR and IUSTI recognize the considerable contribution that industry partners make for professional and research activities. We also recognize the need for transparency and the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by acknowledging these relationships in publications and presentations.
You will need to provide disclosure information for each author at the time of abstract submission. This statement will not count towards the 300-word limit. If your abstract is accepted, you will be requested to include a Disclosure of Interest statement in your oral or poster presentation.
By submitting an abstract, all authors agree to release the license to the Congress organizers and give permission to publish the abstract on the Congress website and mobile app (and by doing so, certify that the abstract is original work).
All accepted and confirmed abstracts will be published in an international scientific journal prior to the Congress.
Congress Registration
All presenters will be required to register for the Congress by April 4th, 2025 (23:59 EDT). Any presenter that is not registered by this date will automatically be withdrawn from the program and their abstract will be removed from the program.
Late Breaker Abstracts
Abstracts must be submitted electronically through the abstract submission portal.
Abstracts and any amendments to submitted abstracts will not be accepted after the submission deadline.
Late Breaker Abstracts must not have been published in a peer reviewed journal prior to May 5, 2025.
Priority will be given to abstracts presenting new data.
Abstracts previously presented at meetings will not be accepted unless there is a substantial update of data. Multiple abstracts reporting results from the same study and overlapping abstracts from the same group of investigators are strongly discouraged
Helpful Tips for Preparing an Abstract
The following resources are provided free of charge on the educational platform IAS+